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6 Aug

FIA Bat Dress


OMG is exactly what I said when I saw this dress! I pride myself on finding things for you guys that are different and unique, FIA was just that. The bat pattern was one of the most genius attractions to this dress, the pattern is so themed- Halloweenish yet it managed to maintain its softness, girly appeal, and it was far from scary. I think it has EVERYthing to do with the style of the dress. The long exaggerated bell sleeve and short, wide, prissy fit of the pattern remained a beauty with the beast. Now can we talk about these African printed pockets… The pockets represent the culture and destination of FIA. Yes the dress is from the motherland and is worth every bit of the 10-15 day delivery. The very distinct pattern seemed to be a magnet for the eyes, luring you in to fall even deeper in love with the dress. The vibrant multi-colored pockets and flying bats displayed an awkward but lovely harmony. Thank you FIA for such a great design.


Dress:  FIAFactory

(Dress is not currently online, contact the company via their website or Instagram: thefiafactory)

Shoe: Steven Madden Chartreuse Pump

Handbag: Aldo (Sold Out)

So Shenell

SoShenell, the Plus Size Chicago-based Fashion Blogger represents a multitude of fashionable, stylish, confident, sexy, unique, and healthy full figured gems.

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