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Who am I?

So Shenell author blogger lifestyle blogger fashion

``I will be the blogger who is not defined by her size, but whom all sizes are mesmerized by her poise.`` Starting ``So Shenell`` is the blossoming of my rose. Each thorn intricately pierced in the sides of my stem is representative of my struggle of childhood, to weight, then divorce.

The sharp points of every thorn is significant to my measurement of strength for such a beautiful and delicate piece of Earth. Now each thorn is crowned as my protection from the careless and unworthy who dare to snatch me from the security of my roots. Of my many struggles weight has been my newest thorn over the past six years. Hmm, this thorn has cut me from a marriage vine that strangled my bud with the lack of unconditional love essential to my nourishment and I withered until……… Until it rained and the sun set upon the silhouette of my leaning stem and gave me life!


Yet again I’m garnished in beautiful vibrant leaves voluptuously decorated and desired to be smelled and touched by all. The pivotal moment of this rose did rise – has risen not out of mud, but out of concrete. To share my world of confidence with all of you is most exciting. My experience with weight gain has forced me to look at my beauty in so many positive aspects. I have embraced that being voluptuously thick is my lifestyle and from a size 6 to a 14 I have been UNDENIABLY DYNAMIC at styling this amazing body of mine! I want to be the liaison who helps bridge the gap of fashion and the plus size world.


My vision is to empower full figured dolls with authentic confidence, sexiness, and FASHION AUTHORITY! Now, who am I? I am a shh year old diamond rooted in Chicago IL. I was not precut to fit the style needs of anyone who walks the earth. However, I was born by design, stamped and sealed approved. I-am-So Shenell.

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